If you’re an avid interior designer or home DIY enthusiast, you’ve probably thought about filling an empty corner with a statement indoor olive tree.
This is one houseplant that’s usually purchased for the Mediterranean touch it brings to interiors. Olive trees aren’t the easiest to keep happy indoors, especially when it comes to lighting, but I think they are worth the effort because of the beauty and value that they bring to homes..
Plant Overview
What is it?
There isn’t a specialized indoor Only grows in the house. The trees you’ll see in baskets in minimalist homes online are either a version of the standard Olea europaeaOr, if the plant is shorter, an ornamental variety.
The dwarf or semi-dwarf olive trees retain many of the ornamental features of the olive trees you are familiar with, but they are better suited for living in the confines and comfort of your home. The silvery-green foliage provides a beautiful aesthetic all year round.
Unlike fruiting Olea europaea, These dwarf olive trees are ornamental in nature.. They are bred for their foliage and compact height and are typically unable to produce fruit (which doesn’t happen often indoors, anyway). Luckily, this downside doesn’t take away from their beauty. Use them to fill in empty corners of your home, and to bring a taste of the Mediterranean climate to any climate.
Olea europaeaWe all know that comes from the Mediterranean. It is a rich source of food, oil, and other products. But its history goes much deeper than we think.
Around 7,000 years ago, olive cultivation began in the area that is now Italy and Greece. But evidence of olive consumption dates back far longer – around 100,000 years. With the increasing use of this versatile plant, from lamp oils to cosmetics, it gained a symbolic meaning.
Olives were considered a symbol for peace, victory and the city of Athens in ancient Greece. As one of the larger Mediterranean exports at the time, it’s easy to see why it was so important. Think of the olive branch garlands adorning people in paintings or the olive oil used to light the famous Olympic flame, and you’ll have a sense of how beloved the olive tree was.
Cultivation Spread quickly across the Mediterranean, entrenching itself in the region’s economy and cuisine. These trees can be found in many parts of the world. However, some say that they are not as plentiful as those native to their habitat.
Native Area
In case you haven’t already guessed it, Olea europaea Native to the Mediterranean, this tree is a symbiotic species. Here, trees are used to arid, hot summers with little rain, and grittier, well-draining, sandy soil.
It is a far cry from the humid conditions in which most houseplants thrive. This is an alternative for those with dry indoors air who are houseplant enthusiasts. You may have difficulty growing other plants without an increase in humidity.
The native plants in this area are also shown to have a preference for certain soils and watering schedules.
Homeowners who are looking for a minimalist design will appreciate the delicate and silvery look of indoor olive trees. Dwarf varieties, which are often called shrubs instead of trees, stick low to soil and grow lower than standard varieties that can reach 30 feet.
The dwarf varieties do not generally produce fruit. The foliage is the only reason they are grown. If you do want to harvest olives from your tree, you’ll need a much larger plant, plenty of light, and the perfect care to get it right.
The different environments make it difficult to grow fruits indoors. If fruit is important to you, grow it outdoors. Instead, choose dwarf olives as a decorative plant.
What To Buy
It is easy to locate these trees. If you are looking for trees for indoor use, they have been bred under conditions that closely mimic those of your home. While it is possible to take a standard olive tree in a bag and transplant it indoors, you’ll likely have some trouble getting your tree to adapt to this kind of environment.
You can also check your local nurseries in their indoor plant section. Other home stores, depending on your location, may also carry indoor varieties, typically in the houseplant section.
If you don’t manage to find one near you, a quick search online should resolve the problem. It is ideal for those who are looking for a particular cultivar and want to expand their options beyond your local area. If you are buying online, make sure to order from a trusted seller. You don’t want to end up with a half-dead olive tree on arrival (or worse, no olive tree at all).
How to Grow
Our homes are in better condition than ever before don’t quite match up to In their natural habitat, houseplants like these are labelled as being fussy. However, if you find the ideal location, they can be remarkably low-maintenance plants once they’ve adapted to your space.
The amount of sunlight is one of the most critical factors in ensuring that olive trees grow successfully indoors.
Olive trees love the sun. While many houseplants prefer partial or full shade, they thrive when in direct sunlight. For best growth, they need to be placed in front of a south-facing window with bright light.
Unfortunately, it is not easy to find these sunny locations in many homes. If you have enough direct sunlight, an east- or west-facing windows can work, but the growth rate will be slower and there may be some problems (like reduced branches or leaf fall).
With grow lights, you can counter the lack sunlight in your home.. These lights mimic the natural light outside to boost growth. But, since these trees are large, you’ll need a large grow light with plenty of coverage to make it work.
Rotate the pot every few days to ensure that all sides are exposed to the same amount light.
Olive trees prefer soil that is dry and drains easily over soil that is consistently soggy or moist. In their natural habitats, olive trees prefer dry summers with low rainfall. You should avoid overwatering these drought-tolerant plants.
You should only water your indoor tree when the soil is nearly dry. You don’t want to leave it too long as you risk stressing the roots and causing leaf drop. However, it’s far better to wait a little too long than to water when the soil is still moist, greatly increasing your risk of root rot.
Watering at the right time will ensure that you get the best results. The conditions of your home will determine the level of safety.. Watering plants that are placed near a south-facing glass window requires more frequent watering than those located in front an east-facing, less-directly-lit window. Temperature and humidity also play a role in growth rate and evaporation, meaning there is no specific ‘perfect’ time to water.
You can also test the moisture level by lifting up the pot and testing it with your finger. After the soil has dried, you can water it again. The excess water should seep out of the drainage holes. Cover the soil evenly with the water to avoid dry patches.
To prevent water pooling at the roots, use a soil that drains well (and, with it, a pot with enough drainage). The best soil for them is a sandy one that holds some moisture and drains excess water quickly.
As cacti and succulents are so delicate, I use a mixture specifically designed for them. It is formulated with materials that improve drainage. Drainage becomes even more important indoors as the soil doesn’t dry out as quickly as it does outdoors.
Create your own mix by combining high-quality potting dirt, coarse sand and coconut coir with perlite. Test the drainage by adding water to the mix before planting to make sure it drains well enough to satisfy your olive tree’s roots.
Temperature and Humidity
The dwarf olive tree needs warmth. The best conditions for growing them are between 65F and 75F (18C-24C). Consistency and consistency are also essential. Although they can tolerate minor temperature fluctuations, sudden and extreme changes can stress the leaves.
If you’re growing them for fruit, requirements differ slightly. It is the temperature fluctuations between seasons that are needed to trigger flowering and fruit set. In winter, a slight temperature drop is needed to initiate flowering. Extreme cold or frost may also cause damage to the treePreventing flowering. A delicate balance is needed – just one of the reasons why it’s so hard to get these trees to fruit indoors.
Olive trees also prefer low humidity over high humid air. Extremely high levels of humidity may cause fungal infections, particularly if the airflow around the trees is restricted. It shouldn’t be too low, but humidity around 40% is ideal. Avoid placing the trees in drafts. This can cause leaves to drop.
Olive trees do not eat a lot. As they consume the nutrients in soil, they can benefit from a small amount of fertilizer.
Use a balanced liquid fertiliser diluted at half strength in spring and summer. In general, once a monthly is sufficient to maintain the soil’s nutrient level. What do I use? Avoid overfertilizing by using half-strengths, especially in olive trees that don’t mind somewhat nutrient-poor soil.
Pruning helps you control the shape of your trees and combat any possible pests and disease indoors. Trim any damaged or dead branches and cut back sections to create the overall shape you’re looking for. To avoid stress, don’t cut back more than a third of the tree.
Inspect the plant regularly (I check it every time I water it) for signs and symptoms of disease. Fungal diseases can be a problem in the home. Treat any issues as soon as you spot them to prevent spread to your other plants – more on that later.
Woody plants are not the easiest to propagate, especially when you’re dealing with slow-growing olive trees. However, it’s not impossible to propagate if you want to give it a try; it just requires a little extra patience.
You can propagate your olive tree by cuttings. It is best to do this in the late spring, after new branches have appeared.
Remove a section about 8 inches long from a healthy young branch. The top of the cutting should only have two leaves, and the bottom leaves removed.
Once trimmed Dip the cut end into rooting hormone. This is optional, but extremely helpful in stimulating root growth and preventing rot on woody cuttings.
Plant your cuttings in a soil mixture that drains well. I use equal amounts of coarse sand and peat. Keep the soil moist at all times and place the cuttings in a bright, warm area away from direct sunlight. Cover the container with plastic film to keep moisture in and create a growing environment for roots.
You can plant your cutting into a larger pot and regular potting soil once you see new growth.
As olive trees are relatively slow growers indoors, they don’t require frequent repotting. However, it’s also a step you can’t skip altogether. Repotting is typically necessary every three years or so to refresh the soil mix or whenever your tree’s roots outgrow the current pot.
Choose a pot that’s The new version is slightly bigger than the existing one No more than 2 sizes larger. Turn the pot on its side to slowly remove the tree. After pruning any damaged or dead roots, replant the tree into the soil mixture with good drainage.
This process gives the tree new nutrients and more space to grow.
Common Problems
These aren’t the easiest plants to keep happy indoors. You’ll probably encounter a few of these problems, but they’re not the end of the world. Many of the problems relate to the environmental conditions. Changing positions to an area that matches their native environment can usually solve the problem.
Discolored Leaves
Yellowing and browning leaves Typically, watering problems are either too much or too little.. Overwatering is more common, but if the leaves are crispy and start dropping off the plant, you’re probably underwatering. Spotty discoloration can be a sign of pests, diseases or nutrient deficiencies.
Leaf Drop
Stress is the cause of this common problem. Stress is often the cause of this problem. That’s why olive trees often drop their leaves when you bring them home for the first time. But don’t panic – In the right conditions the leaves will regrow..
No Olives
Indoor olive trees often don’t produce fruit due to variations in environment. If you’re growing a purely ornamental dwarf species, as is often done indoors, the tree also won’t produce fruit. Flowering and fruiting require specific conditions that are challenging to replicate indoors, so it’s better to enjoy them for their foliage alone.
Scale is the most common pest. These pests are usually present when a tree is stressed. Branches with brown bumps. Check the leaves and branches regularly for any signs of an infestation and use neem to control it.
Be on the lookout for fungal diseases such as rot Overwatering or poor drainage is often the cause.. In conditions of high humidity, leaf spots can also occur. Pruning and improving air circulation can help prevent these issues if you can’t lower the humidity.
Verticillium wilt is caused by young trees being exposed to infected trees in an outdoor environment. It’s a fungal disease that causes wilting branches. Infected trees are rare, but they will die if infected. Proper care is the best way to prevent wilt. The trees that are infected should be disposed.
Yes. Yes. Manageable and low maintenance If you meet their environmental needs. But if you don’t have the ideal spot, particularly when it comes to light, you may have trouble keeping them happy.
The most common problem is incorrect watering, either too much or not enough. The two most important things to do are: watering and lighting. You can eliminate many potential problems This can lead to the early death of olive trees.
The plants are slow-growing. Most of the time, only a few millimeters are gained per year, depending upon their environment and care. To encourage growth, place them in the direct sunlight and use a large container filled with new soil.
Final Thoughts
You should remember a few important things to successfully grow this popular indoor plant: provide plenty of sunlight and warm temperatures between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit (between 18-24 degrees Celsius). Soon, you’ll have a beautiful indoor olive tree for your houseplant collection!